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Tommy Moloneys Rashers (8oz)

Tommy Moloneys Rashers (8oz)
Delicious bacon to bake or add to your fry-up in the morning. ...Read more
$7.95 each
In stock

Delicious bacon to bake or add to your fry-up in the morning.

Frozen meats are available for curbside pickup only.

Irish Bacon is a different cut of meat than American bacon, and is very lean. This means you will need to Add Fat to the pan to cook this bacon (as opposed to draining off the fat, from American Bacon). Also, it cooks up very quickly by comparison, as you do not need to wait to get the fat crispy! Go ahead, treat yourself!

By the way, sometimes we have Tommy Moloneys Rashers and sometimes we have Donnellys.  I will happily eat either.  Which is your favorite?


Pick-up Only

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